Sheriff Koutoujian to serve as White Ribbon Day Co-Chair

“I am proud to stand with Jane Doe, as I have for many years to highlight the important role men have as fathers, sons, brothers, friends and mentors in ending violence against women. I am honored to serve as Co-Chair of the 2016 White Ribbon Day Campaign because a man’s strength should be shown though his character and moral judgment, never through the use of force and violence.

This campaign is designed to focus on proactive, preventive efforts to end violence against women. It is about finding ways to engage young men and boys in constructive dialogue about what it means to be a man in today’s culture. And it is about instilling a value system that shows them healthy relationships – and healthy communities – are built on love and respect, not fear and intimidation.

I look forward to working with Jane Doe, my co-chair Thaddeus Miles and all of the White Ribbon Day Honorary Committee Members and Ambassadors as we seek to put an end to domestic and sexual violence against women here in the Commonwealth.”

– Submitted by Middlesex Sheriff Peter Koutoujian’s office