Local Candidate Forum Sept. 16th

You are invited! All Medford residents are invited to attend the upcoming Meet Your Candidates event, hosted by Jay Campbell and sponsored by Tufts Votes. According to Jay, he created this event because he believes that every resident deserves an opportunity to meet their candidates and every candidate deserves the opportunity to meet the residents of Medford. This is a non partisan event. EVERY candidate running for School Committee, City Council, and Mayor will be there. This event is not a fundraiser and donations will not be accepted.

Meet Your Candidates is taking place at Tufts University, Cohen Auditorium on Wednesday, September 16th at 6:30pm. If you would like to attend please email Jay at Jay@JayCampbellRealty.com or if you are on Facebook please let him know you are going by visiting https://www.facebook.com/events/1597769450491172/

Currently more than 300 residents are planning on attending. The agenda for the evening begins by having each candidate introduce themselves and express why they have decided to run for office. After all the candidates have introduced themselves the audience will be invited to go to Alumnae Hall to meet the candidates in person, ask a question or even sign up as a volunteer for a candidate’s campaign! Hope to see you there!

– Submitted by Jay Campbell