Bestsellers Cafe to Close by End of January

According to a Facebook post and email, beloved Medford Square bookstore and coffee shop Bestsellers Cafe is closing by the end of January because lease issues couldn’t be resolved.

Bestsellers re-opened in August of 2012 after a five year hiatus brought on by building renovations.

The full statement is as follows:

“It is with a heavy heart that we tell you that Bestsellers Café will be closing at the end of January, 2015 after 17 years of service to the Medford and surrounding communities. We decided not to renew our lease after unfavorable terms of any lease renewal. Marianne and I have put our hard work and financial resources in continuing Bestsellers Café through this past Holiday season in an effort to pay off store debt. We thank each and every customer that has shopped and supported us instead of our competition!!

We have made countless friendships along the way and we hope to have added culture and another reason to shop in Medford Square. We look forward to continuing our friendships and remaining aware of developments in Medford, such as parking meters, bridge reconstruction, new businesses, etc.

As we wind down the next few weeks, we will be holding a storewide sale of books and gift items. Bookcases will be for sale (ask us!) and we will attempt to sell off the equipment owned by Bestsellers Café.

In April, 2007, we said “See You Later” as our space was being redeveloped, knowing that we will return. Now, almost 8 years later, we’re saying “Good-Bye” but with a more permanent, yet sad expression on our faces. If any of your businesses are hiring good, quality, dependable staff, I can’t recommend higher the staff at Bestsellers Café. Throughout the sadness of knowing the store was closing, we had plenty of laughs and will always held our “inside jokes” close to us!! Their positive attitude had certainly helped our family through this tough time. Feel free to talk with the staff about job possibilities!!

We will continue to accept gift card redemptions through the end of January. With every gift card purchase, we will explain to the buyer that the gift card will expire when the store closes. We have a few events scheduled so please visit our website,, for an updated events calendar so make every effort to join us!

Thank you for everything you’ve done for us…With much love and admiration, Rob, Marianne and Charlie Dilman as well as the entire staff at Bestsellers Café.”