Additional Raised Crosswalks Coming to Medford

– Allison Goldsberry

Two more raised crosswalks will be installed in high traffic areas in Medford as part of a pilot program, according to information released by Mayor Michael McGlynn.

The two additional crosswalks will be installed on Harvard Street and Central Avenue. Mayor McGlynn said the crosswalks will be installed after construction projects in those two areas are complete. Central Avenue needs to be repaved first and construction on the railroad bridge on Harvard Street needs to be finished before the crosswalk can be installed in that area.

Mayor McGlynn said the city will meet with residents in both areas to see where they would like to locate the crosswalks. McGlynn mentioned the intersection of Winchester Street as a possible location on Harvard Street.

The first raised crosswalk was installed in June near 100 Winthrop Street. Mayor McGlynn said residents in the area are happy to see less speeding. A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the crosswalk is taking place on September 14 at 3PM.

The three raised crosswalks are part of a pilot program. The city will assess the raised crosswalks over a six month period to see how they affect the neighborhoods and traffic.