‘Circle the Square’ to Kick Off 2nd Season June 20

Following its successful debut in 2012, Circle the Square is pleased to announce its sophomore season bringing live entertainment back to Medford Square. The third Thursday of each month between June and September will once again see the Square come alive with music, art, food, activities and other free entertainment.

Events will be held in public spaces in and around Medford Square and feature an array of family-friendly activities that will run from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

“Last year proved that Medford is hungry for entertainment and will support all types of activities if given the opportunity,” said Laurel Siegel, Chair of Circle the Square. “Medford Square is coming back as a destination spot, and programs like Circle the Square will help continue that transformation, which is an example of the overall renaissance taking place citywide.”

A unique line-up of programs each month will take place in the same locations around the Square as last season: the plaza near the Salem Street Burying Ground, the parking lot of Members Plus Credit Union, the walking bridge by Shipyard Way, Sloane Square in front of Century Bank, and the front steps and lawn next to City Hall.

“Medford Square lends itself to bringing people together, its open spaces and walkability making it a unique asset in the city,” continued Siegel. “We had a ‘build-it-and-they-will-come’ mentality last year, which is always risky, but we knew we were meeting a need in the community. We saw the success they had with similar programs in communities from New Bedford to Pittsfield, and felt there was no reason it couldn’t be done here. And the feedback we’ve garnered anecdotally and through our surveys indicates attendees and area businesses will continue to support it. We look forward to leveraging the momentum and excitement we built last year to take Circle the Square to even greater heights this season.”

Circle the Square will take place on June 20, July 18, August 15, and September 19.

Circle the Square is supported in part by the Medford Arts Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and by the Tufts Neighborhood Service Fund.

Circle the Square is currently seeking musicians, dancers, theater groups, artists, and other performers to provide programming during any of the Circle the Square events. In addition, the group is also seeking volunteers to help with the operations of each event. For more information about Circle the Square including a schedule of events, and how you can get involved, visit www.circlethesquare.org.

– Information from Circle the Square