Medford Church to Send Group to Indian Reservation

The Congregational Church of West Medford (CCWM) is thrilled to announce that in August 2013 it will send twenty-one volunteers to the Pine Ridge, South Dakota Oglala Lakota Sioux Reservation for one week to work on a project that will improve conditions on the reservation. The project will be coordinated through Earth Tipi (, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering people to grow organic food and build natural homes on the reservation. The trip will be coordinated through RE-MEMBER (, a nonprofit organization that seeks to improve the quality of reservation life through relationships, shared resources and volunteer services.

This trip is the second time that CCWM volunteers will travel to the reservation. In the summer of 2012, volunteers from the church spent a week building a straw-bale mud house for a Native American family living on the reservation. For many of the volunteers, this was a life-changing experience. Poor living conditions, scarce availability of resources, and high unemployment plague Pine Ridge and make life unbearably difficult for many of its residents.

In order to raise awareness about these forgotten people, CCWM volunteers have planned three community events that are open to the public:

Attend a Concert and Silent Auction

Enjoy a family-friendly night out and help us help the people of Pine Ridge

On Saturday, April 6, 2013 from 6:00 – 10:00pm, CCWM will hold a Benefit Concert and Silent Auction to support the 2013 volunteer trip to the Pine Ridge Reservation. The concert will feature performances by Randall Kromm and guests will have the chance to bid on donations from local venues including restaurants, hotels, and retail shops as well as from Native American artists and crafters. CCWM is actively seeking donations for this event and gift cards, physical items, coupons for free services, etc. are welcome. All proceeds will go towards helping the people of Pine Ridge.

Tickets for the concert and auction are $7.00 per person at the door and can be purchased in advance.

To learn more about CCWM’s Pine Ridge Reservation Volunteer Trip or the upcoming events, please visit the trip website at

About Congregational Church of West Medford

The Congregational Church of West Medford began in the mid-1860s and is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. We believe God’s love and grace are offered to all and should be shared and celebrated by all. Therefore, everyone is welcome here and honored as a vital and integral member of God’s family.

Sunday Morning Worship and Sunday school are held at 10am. For more information, visit our website at:, call: 781–395–3360, or email:

– Submitted by Amanda Coughlin