‘Meet Me at the Mystic’ September 8

Mystic paddleIn commemoration of its 40th anniversary, the Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA) invites you to Meet Me at the Mystic, a unique opportunity to experience and celebrate the river and its surrounding parkland, on Saturday, September 8.

Join your friends, neighbors, and MyRWA staff, members and volunteers in a morning-long cheer to the river and watershed starting at 9 a.m. at the parking lot beside the new dam between the Upper and Lower Mystic Lakes (Mystic Valley Parkway, Medford).

The centerpiece of the event will be a paddle on the Mystic from the dam to Alewife Brook near the Somerville and Arlington lines, and back up to the dam. Bring your own canoe or kayak, or reserve one in advance at a discounted rate through Charles River Canoe & Kayak at www.mysticriver.org. An accompanying bicycle tour will begin along the same route and then explore more of the watershed. Both activities will commence at 9:30 a.m.

Adding to the festive atmosphere, a variety of musicians will be stationed at various locations along the river for the enjoyment of the paddlers, bicyclists, and those visiting on foot. Plein air artists also will be on hand to capture the festivities in their unique way.

The celebration will conclude at noon when the paddlers and bicyclists return to the dam area, where lunch will be available at Medford Boat Club.

Join the fun any time between 9 a.m. and noon whether you come on foot or by boat, bike, or car. Bring strollers, your dog, a blanket – whatever usually draws you to the banks of this urban beauty! Come for as long or little as you like.

Meet Me at the Mystic is part of a year-long series of events celebrating the 40th anniversary of both MyRWA and the Clean Water Act. MyRWA approaches the start of its fifth decade planning to:

– Build upon our efforts to achieve a water quality rating that will make the river an uncompromised destination for people to enjoy its beauty and recreational opportunities.

– Recruit additional members and volunteers to advance our programs and help with the removal of water chestnuts, an invasive plant, from the upper river.

– Provide environmental education and outreach to youth groups and others along our watershed to advance their appreciation for sound environmental stewardship, and to increase their understanding of the river’s great history and importance to the Greater Boston area.

The Watershed Association looks forward to Meeting you at the Mystic.

– Information and photo from the Mystic River Watershed Association