Get in Shape for Women Offers Summer Fitness Tips

fit womanSummer is fast approaching, and with less clothing and more skin showing, most women are looking for get fit tips. Raj Patel, a health and fitness expert and owner of Get In Shape For Women in Medford, has some advice.

“The Get In Shape For Women results-oriented system focuses on weight training, nutrition, cardio and accountability,” said Patel. “We help women lose weight, gain strength and confidence, and get ready to hit the beach. No matter what your fitness goals are this summer, we’re here to help build a healthy lifestyle year-round.”

Patel offers some helpful tips to get “bikini ready” and stay in shape long after the sunscreen gets packed away!

1. Add interval cardio to your day. As one of the foundation principles for Get In Shape For Women, interval cardio can burn excess fat and boost metabolism. Interval cardio exercises like walking, jogging, or the elliptical can burn upwards of 10 calories every minute, so by finding 30 minutes a day to dedicate to cardio, it is possible to lose inches and feel more comfortable in a bathing suit.

2. Fight osteoporosis and fat with weight training: As another foundational principle of Get In Shape For Women, weight training is a key component in transforming bodies, preventing injuries and overall health and wellbeing. Each day of weight training with Get In Shape For Women burns about 200 calories, and weight training gives a metabolic boost for bodies to use later: for every 5 pounds of muscle built, the body will burn an additional 200 calories each day just to sustain the muscle—that’s 1,400 calories per week!

3. Practice mindful eating. That can of soda is 200 calories and that apple with peanut butter is 200 calories. Which one is a better use of calories? When making meal and snack choices, choose the one that will most benefit your body’s needs. If you’re not sure what foods you should be eating, ask a Get In Shape For Women trainer.

4. Keep track of portion size. Eat six small meals throughout the day (about fist-sized) and only eat when you’re actually hungry. Stave off boredom-inspired hunger with a glass of water or a trip to Get In Shape For Women to burn the calories that you would have consumed!

5. Rest between workouts. When you’re in a time crunch to get into a bathing suit, it can be tempting to work out every day thinking you will reach your goal faster, but doing so will put your body at a much higher risk of injury. Get In Shape For Women’s trainers can help set healthy, realistic exercise goals for your bikini deadline.

6. Drink lots of water. Drinking water during and after exercising helps keep bodies hydrated as toxin-carrying water leaves as sweat. Drinking water can also help cut pounds for the summer: to drop pounds, replace soda and alcoholic beverages with water to cut calories throughout the day; drink a glass of water before eating to suppress appetite; and get better skin, less headaches and better digestion with more water consumption.

Article submitted by Get in Shape for Women

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