Rotary Club Donates Defibrillator to Pop Warner

Rotary donation to Pop Warner

The Medford Pop Warner Colts are the proud recipients of “A Gift for Life” from the Medford Rotary Club. This gift comes in the form of an “AED” (Automatic External Defibrillator).

This life-saving gift was made possible by the hard work of the Medford Rotary Club Special Project Committee Chairperson Anne Gelineau Powers, former Medford Rotary Club President Vincent Frattura, and their committee. This could not have been possible if it weren’t for the Medford Rotary Club through a Rotary District Regional Grant. Along with the AED, the Rotary Club will provide training for the Medford Pop Warner Colts’ administrators and coaching staff in the use of this specialized device.

The Medford Pop Warner participants and their families owe the Medford Rotary Club a debt of gratitude for their choosing the Medford Colts to receive the AED and the training and servicing of this priceless gift!

Pictured above, left to right: Robert Geribo, Medford Pop Warner Colts President, Jennifer Logan, Medford Pop Warner Colts Secretary, Vincent Frattura, former Medford Rotary Club President, and Anne Gelineau Powers, Medford Rotary Club Special Project Chairperson.

– Submitted by Debra Flynn