Aloha Saturday at Baseball Tournament this Weekend

dogWith all that is going on down at Columbus Park, how do you expect me to keep my deadlines? The Medford Invitational Tournament kicked off its sixteenth season last Saturday. Although it is still too early to pick a favorite, Mother Nature has certainly showed up and has made a big impression on the teams. Opening day games just got in under the dark clouds, but Monday and Tuesday did not fare so well as two games and one half game have already been moved in the already busy schedule.

The good news is that the weekend weather will turn Columbus Park in South Medford into a tropical paradise and that is exactly what the MIT staff is hoping for. About five years ago, the creators of the tournament tried to come up with a way to get the crowds excited during the long day of games that falls right at the mid-point of the two week event.

Aloha Saturday emerged as a fun way for family and fans to get involved and show how much they appreciate their teams efforts. Fans are asked to dress up in their best Hawaiian attire and get into the spirit of the day. Aloha Saturday is also interleague play day for all ten teams. Aloha Saturday has taken on a life of its own as the fanbase for each team competes for bragging rights. The MIT is all about fun and this Saturday is another example of a great time at the ball park. Saturday games start at noon and the MIT staff is committed to getting the fans involved. There will be loads of surprises and fun.

If you took it on the “chin” in the stock market this week, but still want to get away, try Columbus Park this weekend, you won’t be disappointed.

Check out all the highlights and scores @

– Submitted by Ron Giovino, Medford Invitational Tournament President