Mustang Cheerleading Fundraiser Car Wash July 30

Updated 12:49PM Thursday, July 28, 2011

Update- This event has been cancelled.

The Medford Mustang Cheerleaders will be hosting a fundraising car wash next Saturday/July 30th (rain date is Sun/July 31st) at Tufts University on College Avenue.

“We are grateful that Tufts University has stepped up once again to allow us to utilize their facilities for this great fundraising event,” said the Mustang Coaching Staff.

The car wash cost is $5.00 per car and it will run from 10 AM – 12:30 PM.

“Follow the posters to the car wash site,” said the cheerleaders! They will be out on College Avenue pursuing drivers to pull in to get their car washed.

The MHS Cheerleaders appreciate your consideration!

– Submitted by Assistant Coach Lisa Evangelista