Bike Fest at the Medford Farmers Market Thursday

Smooth Scooters of Medford

Smooth Scooters at the market on Thursday.

This week’s market is REALLY EXCITING!

Climate Summer will be visiting Medford and we are lucky enough to be able to introduce them to you at the market on Thursday. In celebration of their efforts on bicycles this summer, we decided to introduce you to some exciting bike people in our community so you could see the wonderful things they are doing, too.

Who will be there?

JRA Cycles (229 Salem St.) will be there to do a 2 point inspection of your bike and has generously donated a full Bike TuneUp (value $65) and a bike helmet ($55) which will be raffled off during the market hours.

Smooth Scooters (30 Harvard Ave.) will be showcasing some of their electric bikes, and might even let you try one out!

Culinary Cruisers is our newest vendor! J. Danoff will be pedaling his modified-for-urban-selling bike to the market full of CB Scoops Ice Cream sandwiches and Kombucha Tea!! Welcome, Josh!

What would the market be without music? It will be powered by…BIKES of course! Melodeego is the name of the cool band!

And last but not least, If you ride your bike to the market on Thursday, July 7th, stop by the Market Manager’s tent to pick up your free reusable shopping bag with the Medford Farmers Market logo on it!

So grab your bike and pedal to the market on Thursday, July 7, 3-7pm!

– Submitted by Susan Fairchild, Board President, Medford Farmers Market