McGlynn Students Win Italian Culture Award

Festa della RepubblicaIn honor of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, students from Ms. Romano’s fourth grade class compiled a booklet showcasing important Italians of the past 150 years. The class was helped by Rosetta Romagnoli, Italian teacher at the McGlynn Elementary School.

The booklet was submitted to a contest organized by Giuseppe Pastorelli, Consul General of the Italian Consulate of Boston, that was held to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The students are among five contest winners and they won the Attilio & Emilio Bandiera prize of $1000, which is awarded to the entry that displays a strong love for Italy, its history, its culture or its people.

The students were recognized along with other contest winners during the Festa della Repubblica ceremonies on Sunday, May 29 at Christopher Columbus Park in the North End (pictured at right). School Committee member Ann Marie Cugno (center) was also present for the awards.

– Information and photo from