Brookline Bank Supports Kindles for Kids Program

Brookline Bank Kindles donation

Brookline Bank Vice President Warren Ramirez, Media/Technology/Fine Arts Director Richard Trotta, and Branch Manager Paul Lewan.

Brookline Bank joins the Medford Kiwanis Club and the Rotary Club of Medford in supporting the Medford Public Schools’ “Kindles for Kids” program.

The “Kindles for Kids” program will provide clusters of twelve Kindles to district teachers/specialists to incorporate in their instruction. This would include activities such as reading different genres of books, researching and creating projects, accessing newspapers such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe and reading magazines. The “Kindles for Kids” program is part of the district’s literacy action plan, which strives to provide students with the opportunity, support, and necessary resources to advance to their highest level of literacy in reading, writing, listening, and speaking across content areas throughout their school experience.

“We would like to express our sincere thanks to all of these organizations for their kind contributions and continued support of Medford Public Schools,” said a statement on the school website.

– Information from Medford Public Schools