Rep. Pelosi to Women: Politics ‘Worth the Trouble’

Democratic Leader at Tufts Friday; Talks About Public Service, Potential Government Shutdown

Nancy Pelosi

Rep. Pelosi addresses the crowd before taking questions.

Nancy Pelosi and Alan Solomont

Rep. Pelosi fielded questions from Alan Solomont, a Tufts alumnus, political activist, and current American ambassador to Spain and Andorra.

Tufts President Larry Bacow

Tufts President Larry Bacow, retiring in June, introduced Rep. Pelosi and Solomont.

Rep. Pelosi and Jumbo

Solomont presented Rep. Pelosi with Jumbo the elephant, Tufts’ mascot, as well as some Red Sox gear for her grandchildren (Pelosi is from San Francisco and is a Giants fan).

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, a US representative from San Francisco for twenty-four years and the first female Speaker of the House, delivered the inaugural Alan D. Solomont lecture at Tufts University on Friday.

Rep. Pelosi answered questions from Solomont, a Tufts alum, entrepreneur, Democratic activist, and current ambassador to Spain, as well as questions from the Tufts community. While trying to keep her comments non-partisan, the prominent Democrat blamed Republicans for turning a budget surplus left by President Bill Clinton into a massive deficit by instituting tax cuts for the rich, two “unfunded wars,” and a prescription drugs plan that “gave away the store” when asked about how the government arrived at the impending shutdown. Rep. Pelosi said a government shutdown would be “really unfair” to the American people and the debate was about values that inform budgetary decisions about education, seniors, and job growth, among other issues.

Rep. Pelosi also addressed questions about women in politics. The mother of five ran for Congress fueled by the injustice poor children face. She said to women considering getting involved in politics: “It’s worth the trouble. You’re needed at the table.” Pelosi said she recently visited with Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai and told him the importance of women being involved in the political process.

Tufts student Nabil Hoq, a Medford High School graduate and former intern in Medford Mayor Michael McGlynn’s office, asked Rep. Pelosi about the skills necessary to be successful in the public sector. Pelosi called public service a “noble calling” and said vision, knowledge, a plan, and passion are important.

“It’s wonderful to follow that passion…you will attract other people to what you believe,” said Rep. Pelosi.
