US EPA Recognizes Energy Efficient Schools

Energy star plaques

Five school buildings were recognized by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for their energy efficiency and they received special Energy Star plaques in a ceremony at the Roberts Elementary School on Friday. The Roberts was also recognized as the most energy efficient building of those five schools.

The schools receiving the ENERGY STAR label include the Andrews Middle School, Brooks Elementary School, Columbus Elementary School, McGlynn Middle/Elementary School, and Roberts Elementary School.

Receiving an ENERGY STAR label means these six buildings, including five schools and the City Hall, scored in the top 25% for energy use in similar buildings.

Medford was also a recipient of an ARRA Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant (EECBG), which assisted the town in energy efficiency upgrades in the Elementary and Middle Schools. This work is being overseen by the Energy Efficiency Coordinator, a position also funded by EECBG.

To earn the ENERGY STAR labels, school faculty cooperated with the Energy Efficiency Coordinator to implement behavior changes such as turning off unneeded lights, and reducing heat settings at night and on weekends. The city also retro commissioned the building control systems in their schools.

“Medford is proud to have achieved these Energy Star ratings, not only for Medford City Hall, but for all of our elementary and middle schools in the same year! The EPA has been a true partner in helping to guide Medford to even greater energy efficiency”, said Mayor Michael J. McGlynn.

The City of Medford also has plans to complete energy saving renovations at additional schools and municipal buildings.

“Making schools energy efficient can save school districts 30% or more on their energy bills each year,” said Curt Spalding, regional administrator of EPA’s New England office. “These measures make the learning environments more comfortable and productive and reduce greenhouse gases.”

According to information from the EPA, energy use in commercial buildings accounts for nearly 20 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions at a cost of more than $100 billion per year. Commercial buildings that earn the Energy Star must perform in the top 25 percent of buildings nationwide compared to similar buildings and be independently verified by a licensed professional engineer or registered architect each year. Energy Star certified buildings use 35 percent less energy and emit 35 percent less carbon dioxide than average buildings. Fourteen types of commercial buildings can earn the Energy Star, including office buildings, K-12 schools, and retail stores.

Pictured above (in no particular order): school officials, city officials, and community members with the new Energy Star plaques, including Mayor Michael McGlynn, School Superintendent Roy Belson, Andrews Middle School Principal Tim Blake, Assistant Brooks Elementary School Diane Guarino, 5th Grade Science Teacher from the Columbus Elementary School, Elaine Marciano, McGlynn Elementary School Principal Rebecca Sargent, Roberts Elementary Principal Kirk Johnson, Medford Energy Committee Chair Fred Laskey and members, representatives from Congressman Ed Markey’s office, Medford Environmental Agent Carey Duques, Medford Energy Efficiency Coordinator Alicia Hunt, State Sen. Pat Jehlen, State Rep. Paul Donato, and School Committee members George Scarpelli, John Falco, and Ann Marie Cugno.

– Information from