Dozens Snag Free Dresses at MHS Prom Dress Shop

prom dress

Prom dress shop volunteers

The hair, the makeup, the nails, the jewelry…the list of expenses for a high school girl going to the prom is endless and can add up to a small fortune.

The Medford High School PTO tried to help girls out by holding the school’s second annual prom dress swap. Last year’s inaugural event was a huge success, with about 100 dresses donated.

The prom dress shop provided free gowns, both new and gently used, to high school girls. This year over 100 gowns were available and dozens of girls walked away with their dream dress! Many people and businesses donated dresses, including The Ultimate Woman’s Apparel in Peabody and Bride and Belle in Medford.

Above, MHS PTO Vice-President Erin DiBenedetto with Bride and Belle owner Teresa Pepe, who has donated over 30 gowns, and event volunteers.
