Rep Medford on– Susan Anderson

Hi Medford residents and Medford lovers! My name is Susie and I’m the Social Media Marketer for NabeWise, the new website that allows you to understand any neighborhood as if you’ve already lived there, so you can explore the world on a local level, discover new places, and find the neighborhoods that are right for you. Allison invited me to write a guest post for InsideMedford, so I could explain a little about the company and why you might be interested in it.

If you’ve ever moved to a new city, you probably know how difficult it is to find the best neighborhood for you and your family. Sure, you can Google your life away and ask everyone who will talk to you, but wouldn’t it be better to have all that information organized in one place? That’s where NabeWise comes in. The NabeWise website helps people who are moving to a city pick the best neighborhood for them. It can also assist travelers in figuring out exactly what part of a city they want to book a hotel in or visit. On our site, users can review and rate neighborhoods in Boston (and a bunch of other cities, too).

Of course, Medford is one of the featured neighborhoods on the website. And we’d love for you to come check out our Medford and South Medford neighborhood pages and share your own thoughts. You must already be proud of your neighborhood, considering Medford currently ranks #18 in terms of daycare and pre-schools in the Boston-area. So far, reviewers are using words like “classic,” “convenient,” and “unique” to describe the neighborhood. And South Medford is ranked #9 in terms of community, which means residents must be super passionate about the area. What’s your favorite thing about the neighborhood?

If you love your neighborhood, head over to our Medford pages and share your thoughts on the hood. Do you have “insider” information that you think potential newcomers should know? NabeWise is the place to do it! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me at and make sure to follow us on twitter at @NabeWiseBoston. I hope to see you over at NabeWise!

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