‘Reverse’ Trick or Treat Bewitches South Medford

Reverse trick or treatersA merry group of costumed revelers trolled the streets around the Columbus School on Halloween evening, handing out bags of treats to delighted and laughing residents at 84 addresses.

People who answered their doors expecting to give out candy were instead handed a bag containing two new energy-efficient lights. Event participant “Sherlock Holmes” noted, “It was gratifying to see how surprised and happy this made people.”

One resident said, “This is such a great idea! We recently switched all of our bulbs to CFLs and are saving $60 a month.” She turned to her neighbor and said, “You have to take some. This is amazing!”

Members of Green Medford and Fletcher Green gave out the compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), which were donated by National Grid and the Tufts Office of Community Relations.

Maggie and LeslieEvent organizer and Green Medford member Susan Altman said, “Each CFL that a resident installs will use about a quarter of the energy of standard lights, saving about $13 a year. Since these lights last up to ten times longer than regular light bulbs, residents will save money for years. Plus CFLs create much less air pollution. The 180 lights we gave out will keep 146 thousand pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.”

J.R. Siegel of Fletcher Green (a Tufts student group) and one of the event’s organizers, said: “The inaugural Medford Reverse Trick or Treat exceeded my expectations. We are already looking forward to expanding on our success with a bigger event next year!”

One resident opened his door and called down the street after the departing Reverse Trick or Treaters, “Can we please have another bag of bulbs for our landlord?”

– Submitted by Susan Altman, Green Medford