St. Ray’s K of C Helps Medford Student

The St. Raphael Knights of Columbus recently presented a hearing impaired girl with a device to assist her in the classroom and after school. Presenting the FM transmitter and receiver are from left to right: Knight Jim Morse, Kellie Irvin, Grand Knight Kevin Feeney, and Past Grand Knight Mike O’Brien. Courtesy photo.

Story Updated 5:58PM Wednesday, August 25, 2010

– Heidi Walsh

The St. Raphael Knights of Columbus was thrilled to award a Medford girl with an FM transmitter and receiver to help her succeed in all her endeavors despite a hearing impairment, according to Knight James Morse.

Roberts Elementary School student Kellie Irvin has a Cochlear Implant and currently uses an FM transmitter and receiver in school but was unable to participate in activities outside of the classroom since the device must remain in the school.

With her new $1,667 device, Kellie can hear her teacher more clearly without the distractions of the background and can fully participate in many of her favorite after school activities such as basketball, dancing, track and CCD.

The fraternal organization of West Medford received a request for help from Kellie’s mother Cheri Irvin, a mother of two children with disabilities. Because the letter from the doctor was wrong about the transmitter and could not be accepted they needed two estimates and had none.

“I spent three months educating myself about Cochlear implants and FR receivers,” said Morse, a second degree knight. “We all felt good about (helping) this one.”

Although it was difficult for an unrelated person to get an FM transmitter, Medford ADA Coordinator Diane McLeod assisted Morse and was able to get the name of the FM transmitter from the school. Morse worked on obtaining the proper letters from the doctor and two estimates on company letterhead and then proceeded to fill out the K of C grant request. The Knights of Columbus chose one of the devices most appropriate for Kellie’s needs and sent it in to later be rewarded with an approval.

“We can never repay the Knights of Columbus for the wonderful gift they have given our daughter! With this FM device she will be able to participate in sports, after school activities, church, etc. Kellie can hear with her Cochlear implant but not well enough to hear a coach, teacher, or priest [for example]. With this FM device that the Knights of Columbus has generously given to our daughter she can participate like any other child and hear what she’s been missing!” Said Kelli’s parents Tim and Cheri Irvin in an email.