1st Annual Rosann M. Donato Walk for the Cure May 16

Rosann DonatoWalk will support Brain Aneurysm Research in honor of Mrs. Donato

On May 13, 2009, Rosann M. Donato, wife of State Representative Paul Donato succumbed to a brain aneurysm. On May 16, 2010, friends, family and supporters of Mrs. Donato will come together to commemorate her life with the first annual Walk for the Cure to raise funds for brain aneurysm research for The Brain Aneurysm Foundation. Funds raised will benefit the organization’s efforts in research, education and raising awareness of brain aneurysms, which ultimately saves lives.

The 2.8 mile walk will be held at the grounds of the Flynn Skating Rink at 300 Elm Street in Medford, MA. Registration for the walk starts at noon and the walk kicks off at 1:00 pm. A one year memorial mass for Mrs. Donato will precede the walk at 11:00 am at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Medford, MA.

Walker registration is $25 and includes a walk tee-shirt for those pre-registered before Friday, May 7, 2010. Online registration for the event closes on Thursday, May 13, 2010. Participants can also set up a fundraising site to donate additional funds beyond the registration donation. To register for the event, or for more information about The Brain Aneurysm Foundation and the walk, visit www.bafound.org.

The Brain Aneurysm Foundation is the nation’s only nonprofit organization solely dedicated to providing critical awareness, education, support, and research funding to reduce the incidence of brain aneurysm ruptures. In 2009, the organization provided over $145,000 in research grants to help further research that improves outcomes for brain aneurysm patients. The organization also provides education materials and awareness information to health care professionals and the general population, as well as providing support for patients and their loved ones.

The Brain Aneurysm Foundation relies on fundraising support from individuals and organizations to continue to fund education and research to promote early detection of brain aneurysms, which ultimately saves lives.

About the Brain Aneurysm Foundation
The Brain Aneurysm Foundation was established in Boston, MA on August 19, 1994 as a public charity. The Brain Aneurysm Foundation is the nation’s only nonprofit organization solely dedicated to providing critical awareness, education, support and research funding to reduce the incidence of brain aneurysm ruptures. For more information, visit: http://www.bafound.org.

– Submitted by walk organizers