Peace Games Final Celebration Friday, April 9

Peace Games event 2009Kids participate in last year’s Peace Games event.

On behalf of the Peace and Justice Studies Program, the Leonard Carmichael Society, and the Zeta Psi Fraternity, and the Cooperative Games leadership team, I write to invite you to attend the final event of the Peace Games 2010 project to be held at the high school gym on Friday, April 9, 5:30-7:00pm. It is free and open to the public; refreshments will be provided.

This collaborative project was born four years ago in response to Superintendent Belson’s “Homefront Initiative,” a call for community support toward educating the whole child. The focus of this program is promoting cooperation and problem solving. Currently, the after school classes are taking place at the Brooks, Columbus, McGlynn, and Roberts Elementary Schools and include third, fourth and fifth graders. And this year for the first time classes were also held at the Gene Mack Clubhouse.

The after school classes are based on curricula designed by Peace Games, fitted to the school district. They take place once a week, and conclude in two weeks. Each weekly class is team taught by three to four Tufts undergraduates who are assisted by a parent monitor from the PTO community.

The first hour will feature demonstration games by the children in their individual school groups, and then a joint activity of all the youth. We will conclude with an all audience and participants game. That is when the fun for everyone takes place. We’ll see how cooperative everyone can be to complete the task assigned! For those of you who could make it last year, you will recall how much fun it was!

The appropriate welcoming and thanks will frame the beginning and closing. Food and drinks donated by local restaurants and shops will help close out the celebration.

– Submitted by Dale Bryan