Councilor Burke Calls for Cyber-Bullying Meeting

Story Updated 4:21PM, Tuesday, February 16, 2010

On the heels of several high profile cyber-bullying cases across the state, including the recent tragic suicide of a South Hadley teen, Medford City Councilor Stephanie Muccini Burke is calling for the city to be proactive about the growing problem.

Councilor Muccini Burke would like the Medford Police to hold a briefing for parents to discuss cyber-bullying and how they can protect their children. She also hopes to open a dialogue at Medford’s middle schools about the issue.

Councilor Muccini Burke has authored a resolution, which will come before the City Council during its regular Tuesday meeting.

The text of her resolution is as follows:

“Whereas, the issue of bullying and cyber bullying has been a major concern for parents, school administrators, police and especially children,

Be it Resolved that the Police Chief and Lt. Covino convene an informational/interactive meeting for parents to teach them about what steps they can take to protect their kids and further, a session for middle schoolers on what they should do if this happens to them or if they know of an incident.”

The Council’s regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 16, has been cancelled due to the weather. All agenda items, including Councilor Burke’s cyber-bullying resolution, will be taken up at the February 23 meeting.
