Halal Recognized by JCRC

Vicki HalalThe following is an announcement from State Senator Pat Jehlen (D-Somerville, Medford):

Vicki Halal, Elder Affairs Director for Senator Patricia Jehlen (D) Somerville, received the Legislative Staff Achievement Award from The Massachusetts Association of Jewish Federations (MAJF) and The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) at their Thirteenth Annual Legislative Reception on Wednesday January 20th. Vicki was honored for her work with the JCRC on important Elder Affairs issues.

Vicki Halal, a Medford resident, is the Elder Affairs Committee Director for Senate Chair Senator Pat Jehlen. She manages legislation coming before the Committee, coordinates informational events for seniors in the district, meets with advocates and constituents on elder issues, and is a tremendous source of information on our ever-increasing 60-plus population. She cares about those aging in her community and is a very active volunteer in her hometown, working with the Medford Historical Society, Openair Circus, Andrews Middle School Site Council, and the Somerville Center for Adult Learning Experiences.

“The Jewish community has always valued the role elders play in our families, congregations, and neighborhoods, and strongly advocates for the right of seniors to age with dignity. Vicki represents the highest level of commitment to policies and practices that will benefit elders and their caregivers. She clearly understands the harsh fiscal realities we face, but has not let it impact the spirit of her work. In fact, she seems to be more driven than ever to work with elders and their advocates to find smart and creative solutions to significant challenges.” Executive Director, Nancy K. Kaufman said.

Pictured above from left to right are Victoria (Vicki) Halal, Elder Affairs Director for Sen. Jehlen, Mireille Coyle, Elder Affairs Director for Rep. Alice Wolf, and Elana Margolis, JCRC Director of Government Affairs. The plaque reads: “Justice, justice thou shalt pursue” (Deuteronomy…). Courtesy photo.