City Coordinates Relief for Haitian Quake Victims

The following announcement is from Mayor Michael McGlynn’s office:

Mayor Michael J. McGlynn has announced plans to assist the people devastated by the earthquake in Haiti. “During this awful time, we must come together to help the Haitian people. We are collecting the following items for the next (2) weeks to send to Haiti. It is my hope that all Medford residents will be able to contribute in some way to this most important cause,” said the Mayor.

For people who have requests for passports or travel information or the whereabouts of relatives/friends in Haiti, information is being coordinated by Congressman Edward J. Markey’s Office. Please contact Maggie McClory at (781) 396-2900.

Counseling will be available for any students who are in need …this is being coordinated between Gwen Blackburn, Medford’s Representative to Tri City’s Haitian Relief Coalition, and Roy Belson. Check with your school principal.

Medford will be collecting “gently used” clothing & bedding starting Friday, January 22 in the front foyer of Medford City Hall. They are also looking for donations of new underwear, socks, tee shirts, etc. Waste Management will be providing two large bins, and the bins will be in place for two weeks.

Locally, financial donations are being accepted at Century Bank. Checks should be made payable to the “Haitian Relief Fund” and mailed or dropped off at the Century Bank on 140 Ferry Street in Malden, MA 02148.

Medical supplies are being collected at Medford’s Board of Health including: latex & non latex gloves, alcohol wipes, hand sanitizer, bacitracin, bandages, Vaseline, sterile water, large rolls of gauze, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, and antibotics for wounds.

Thank you for your help and support of the Haitian people!

“The need is urgent and immediate. It is my hope that all Medford citizens will reach into their hearts and give as generously as possible to help the Haitian people as they try to recover from this terrible natural disaster,” said Mayor McGlynn.

Editor’s Note: has compiled a list of resources and information- please click here to view it.