O’Keefe: Thank You, Voters

The following is a statement from newly elected candidate Bill O’Keefe, who will join the Medford School Committee in January 2010:

I would like to thank all the voters and candidates for their hard work and commitment to change. What I firmly believe, we, as school committee members must do collectively is bring back the Medford Mustang Pride and increase parental involvement. We must target the student body that has left or is still planning to leave and begin to change that course for the future and next generation. As the four new candidates, we walk in replacing over 130 years of institutional knowledge. We need to set our own goals and objectives collectively. We must work together in the best interest of the Medford Public System.

In closing, it is humbling to be part of history here in Medford. Medford is known for its history in politics and the voters have spoken. My committee ran a campaign that spoke about change and independence. My campaign was simple; “public interest before self interest”. I stand firm on that platform. My slate and alliance is with the children and taxpayers of Medford. I look forward to representing them.

Attorney Bill O’Keefe