Murphy: I’ll be Back in 2011

The following is from School Committee candidate Chris Murphy:

Dear Medford residents,

During my closing speech at the Democratic City Committee sponsored debate for Medford School Committee, I stated, “One thing is for sure, change is coming to the Medford School Committee and I want to be part of it.” Well, with the election of a majority (4) of new members, my prediction may have been understated, and while I did not get elected, I take satisfaction that I may have, in some small way, contributed to that change.

I congratulate and wish Sharron Guzik, George Scarpelli, John Falco, and Bill O’Keefe, along with incumbents Ann Marie Cugno and Paulette Van der Kloot and Chairman Mayor Michael McGlynn Godspeed as they embark on their mission to maintain and improve the quality of education we provide to the students of the Medford Public Schools. There are thousands of parents and students who are depending on them to step up and do the right thing and I am optimistic and hopeful that they are up to the important challenges that lie ahead.

Lena DiGiantamasso, Fred Pompeo, Bill Brady, and Bob Skerry have served with distinction and deserve a hearty round of applause. While elections and politics can be a tough business, they can hold their heads high and take great satisfaction in their years of dedicated and distinguished public services. I would also be remiss if I didn’t thank Larry Brown for stepping up to the plate.

As a new and young candidate for office in Medford, many were quick to write off my candidacy for office. While I fell just short of the mark, I find myself eternally grateful for the 2,588 people who voted for me and the hundreds of people who supported my campaign, in one way or another.

In closing, I look forward to running again in 2011 and have to say entire experience in running for office was rewarding and fulfilling experience. As I campaigned around our community, it reinforced my love for this great city and my commitment to serve the students, parents and taxpayers of Medford.

Christopher Murphy