Company: Order Oil Online and Save Money

Clickfil truckNew Online Company Targets Medford, Arlington

– Bob Sprague,

As Medford residents brace for another New England winter,, a new heating oil delivery company, aims to help local residents save money by offering a Web-based service that can save consumers as much as 30 cents per gallon, according to a public-relations company.

Residents of Arlington, Lexington, Medford, Woburn and Winchester can log in to the site, pre-register for the service, and be eligible for a chance to win a free tank of oil, valued at approximately $550, according to David Simmons of Clickfil.

While Clickfil won’t be available until delivery until mid-October, if it were available now, the price would be $2.209, which is $.33 better then the average price.

Clickfil estimates 43% of homes in Arlington using home heating oil and 63 million households in the United States paying bills online.

As part of its advertising campaign, Clickfil has hired a Massachusetts saxophonist to play at local T stops – the saxophonist will forgo tips since he’s saving so much money using Clickfil, said company representatives.

He plans to play at the West Medford stop on Friday, Sept. 25, from 7:00 am to 8:30 a.m. and again from 5 to 6:30 p.m.