Asian Market Planned for Medford Square

Story Updated 4:28PM Monday, May 11, 2009

Employees of a popular Porter Square Japanese market that has to close are planning to open a similar market in Medford.

Long-time Japanese market Kotobukiya is closing its Cambridge store and two of its former employees are opening up a new market in Medford Square, according to Medford City Clerk Ed Finn, whose sister is a long-time employee of the store.

The new market will feature Chinese/Korean items, not Japanese, as was previously reported.  A Boston Magazine story says the new market will be called Yebisuya.

According to a recent Boston Globe story, Kotobukiya has to close because Lesley University, which owns the building the store is in, wants to expand its bookstore.  The store has been in the building for two decades.

A tentative opening is planned for sometime in August. The store is opening up at 65 Riverside Avenue, in the former Medford Furniture space.
