Local Officials Keep Close Eye on Proposed Cuts

Mayor: Local Aid Will Likely be Cut

– Allison Goldsberry

As Governor Deval Patrick prepares to deliver his State of the State address on Thursday, local officials are anxiously awaiting details on expected local aid cuts.

Mayor Michael McGlynn believes the legislature will grant the governor the authority this week to cut local aid, which accounts for twenty-five percent of the state budget.

McGlynn said he will likely know within the next two weeks how state budget cuts will impact the city.

According to School Superintendent Roy Belson, $1 billion in state budget problems are expected, on top of the $1.4 billion state budget cut that occurred this past fall.

In anticipation of potential federal aid, Mayor McGlynn said the city submitted about ten different “shovel-ready” projects to the state.  However, that money might never come, and if it does, there is no guarantee it will be distributed to local communities.

Superintendent Belson said some of the “shovel-ready” projects include the high school’s pool, science labs, and fields, as well as converting Hormel Stadium to artificial turf.

Local officials are hoping President-elect Obama and Congress will deliver on promises of aid to the states.  Congress is currently debating an economic stimulus package.

According to Mayor McGlynn, the last time the legislature gave the governor the authority to cut local aid was in 2001.

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