Carl Sciortino- Candidate for State Representative

State Representative Carl SciortinoCarl Sciortino, Democratic State Representative Candidate, 34th Middlesex District

Four years ago, I ran for State Representative to put the concerns of our community first. Since that time, we have increased funding for parks and open space, promoted the extension of the Green Line to ensure access to affordable public transportation, and protected important senior services, including SCM transportation. We have increased the minimum wage and closed corporate tax loopholes to support working families, have promoted strong environmental policies to curb the effects of global warming, and have preserved equality for all families. I am proud of what we have accomplished, and I am running for re-election to continue this work on behalf of our community.

As you may know, my name will not appear on the ballot for re-election this September. I left my nomination papers unsecured in my State House office, and that was a mistake in judgment for which I apologize. However, you can still vote for me either by writing in my name or by placing a sticker with my name on the ballot. I hope I can count on your vote, and that we can continue this work for the families of Medford and Somerville. I ask for your support in the September 16 Democratic primary.

-Carl Sciortino

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