Police: Don’t Leave GPS Unit in Car

The Medford Police have issued the following Property Protection Safety Alert:

GPS Units

With the holiday season upon us, there is no doubt that thefts will increase. Residents should be vigilant in protecting their property. Like so many other cities and towns, we have been experiencing a large amount of Portable GPS units being stolen from vehicles. We recommend that you do not leave your portable GPS Unit in your car when it is not being used. If a thief sees any remnants of a GPS unit in your car, (i.e. charger cord, cradle, or even the circular stain of a windshield suction cup attachment on the windshield) he/she will break into your vehicle looking for the GPS Unit that may be hidden under the seat or in the glove box. So, when you remove your portable GPS Unit you should also remove or at least keep out of sight those accessories that go along with the portable GPS Unit. If your Portable GPS Unit has a windshield suction cup attachment you should wipe the circular stain from the windshield.

Theft of Wheels

We have also been experiencing the theft of wheels from cars. These are usually expensive rims and tires. We have had them stolen from cars such as Lexus, Honda, Acura, and various other cars. We recommend that you park your car in a well lit area to help prevent thefts like this. If you’re home and you hear a noise outside, take the time to look to see if there is anything unusual going on. If you see anything unusual that may look like a theft in progress, do not try to confront the thief. You should dial 911 immediately. Stay on the line with the dispatcher as he or she directs the proper police response to you location.

If you see any suspicious vehicles and/or people in your neighborhood call the police and we will respond to check on them. This may possibly prevent a crime from occurring. If it seems to be an emergency then dial 911. If the vehicles/people seem to be sitting in your neighborhood for a while then call 781-395-1212 and inform the dispatcher of the situation. Please be sure to stay on the line with the dispatcher, so that he or she can get as much information from you as possible regarding the suspicious vehicle.

Please have a happy and safe holiday season!

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