Town Hall Meeting Tonight for Iraq, Afghanistan Vets, Families

The US Department of Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee on Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Veterans and Families will host a Town Hall meeting for veterans, family members, survivors, and service members who served in Iraq or Afghanistan. 

The meeting will take place on Thursday, August 23, 7-9PM at the Westin Waltham-Boston Hotel, 70 Third Avenue, Waltham, MA.

The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to provide feedback to the Department’s Secretary on health care, benefits, and other family support issues that service members confront while transitioning from active duty to veterans’ status.

In other Medford veterans’ news…

Golf tournament raises money for new veterans’ memorials

Streets Dedicated in honor of Fortunato, Santoro families

Construction begins on new veterans’ memorials

Visit Medford’s Veterans Services Department